Policies, Procedures & Notices » Substance Abuse Policy

Substance Abuse Policy

Substance Abuse Policy

The use, possession, distribution or sale of any controlled, dangerous substance as defined in NJSA 24:21-2 or any chemical or chemical compound which releases vapor or fumes causing a condition of intoxication, inebriation, excitement, stupefaction or dulling of the brain or nervous system including glue (as defined by NJSA. 2A:170-25.9) or an alcoholic beverage, may only be used for the purpose of treatment or sickness and must be administered by a person authorized by law to treat the sick or injured.
Any other use of the above substances is strictly forbidden by law to be used within the school, on any school properties, or on school buses or at any school sponsored function or activity on or off campus.
If a pupil is found to be affected by a drug or alcohol, the principal shall consult with the appropriate school personnel for assistance. This may include teachers, administrators, guidance, nurse and Child Study Team.
The principal will notify the parent or guardian, and the Superintendent of Schools will arrange for immediate medical examination of the student as prescribed by New Jersey Law. Subject to a hearing as set forth by law and Board Policy, the pupil shall immediately be suspended from his/her regular school program.
A student who has a history of previous drug/alcohol abuse incidents shall remain excluded from his/her regular school program until the Principal receives written evidence that the pupil is receiving treatment by an agency recognized by the Department of Health.
This exclusion will continue until the second regular meeting of the Board of Education at which time consideration will be given to recommendations from the administration including the possible permanent expulsion of the pupil from Weehawken Public Schools.

Adopted 8/18/09

There is an Emergency Drug Hot Line number for students who feel that they have a problem: 1-800-225-0196.
Use it before a problem becomes a disaster.

A Substance Awareness Coordinator is available in the elementary schools or through the high school Guidance office or the office of the Nurse. Please call your school for assistance.